If you think I should also be using a different form of primary storage for my photos (numbering fewer then 20K right now) then please suggest that as well as I would like to set this up correctly from the get go. in this thread please keep any solutions to ChronoSync (or BitTorrentSync) for Mac. I would like to keep it all within my home network. I know about DropBox and iCloud Drive etc but do not intend to use any cloud or otherwise offsite based service like those for my solution. My main concern as I mentioned in the other post is making sure I can use both my iMac and my MBPro to work on my photos. Thankfully I have not really started any central storage and I do understand how LR requires everything to be moved within LR once I do start using it. all of which still function but will be donated elsewhere once I get my photos out of their iPhoto libraries.
#Upgrade chronosync express to chronosync pro portable#

Semi decent Rural HiSpeed *** but not good enough for any Cloud based storage ***.2 x My Passport Ultra 2TB USB 3/2 EHDs (nothing on them yet).WD 2TB EHD FW800 from iMac running Time Machine.was purchased as travel machine but has become my go-to machine on a daily basis - wifi connection to home network late 2009 iMac 27" running Mavericks (soon to be Yosemite) - is my main business computer - ethernet connection to Airport Extreme.and then hope this also will help others with their setups as well. I'm hoping someone here can suggest how ChronoSync would work given the following. I see there are a number of forum members who state in many threads that they use ChronoSync to make backups for sync and I've been to the ChronoSync site (also left them a message - no reply yet) but so far I haven't come across a complete solution laid out in a fashion anyone could follow. I'm looking for some step by step advice on using ChronoSync specifically for the purpose of syncing my LR catalogue between two computers.